Extend the life of your fireplace — order spare parts, easy delivery
Protectant 1Product no.: TK-PROTE11000Protectant for polished natural stone surfaces. 1000 ml |
Protectant 1Product no.: TK-PROTE1500Protectant for polished natural stone surfaces. 500 ml |
Protectant 2Product no.: TK-PROTE21000For protection of honed natural stone surfaces. 1000 ml
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Protectant 2Product no.: TK-PROTE2500For protection of honed natural stone surfaces. 500 ml
Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
Cleaning Agent 1Product no.: TK-CLEAN11000For everyday cleaning of natural stone surfaces. 1000 ml |
Cleaning Agent 2Product no.: TK-CLEAN21000For effective cleaning of natural stone surfaces. 1000 ml